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Year 10 Visual Design

Year 10 is the second year of the Stage 5 elective course. 
Students continued to increase their knowledge and understanding of the design process, responding to set briefs  and informed by their understanding of design in the real world.


Students then began to work on a unit exploring editorial illustration, where they discovered the power and importance of images to tell a story or communicate a message.

For this task, students were asked to find an article based on a topic they were interested in.. it could be fashion, sport, the environment, politics, current affairs... 

After reading the article, students looked for ways to interpret the information visually and created a sophisticated editorial illustration to accompany the original text. 

A cool exam

An example of a practical exam saw students creating editorial illustrations using collaging techniques.

Each illustration aims to communicate a deeper meaning using "ice cream" as a visual prompt. 

Students chose to explore a range of issues including climate change, 
 diversity and health.

Others had comedic approaches, for example by protesting the frequency at which ice cream machines are broken or out-of-order at fast food restaurants! See if you can figure out which is which.

Record Breaking Design

When we moved to online learning, like many others, our students turned to music for comfort!

We began a new unit, “Record Braking design”. 
For this task, students were given a brief that positioned them as the graphic designer for their favourite band or musician.

Students were asked to create a visual identity for their client as they prepare to launch a new album. First, students redesigned album covers, 
followed by two additional options e.g. concert tickets, merchandise, stage design and logos.

Character Design

The next brief allowed students to redesign or reimagine their favourite characters. 

Some students created completely new characters, others merged existing characters together or altered the original in creative and unexpected ways!

For extension, students then transformed their 2D illustrations into 3D forms using clay. 

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